Student Life at Naaleh
Tefilah is a core value at Naaleh. With classes and programs that focus on growth in avodas Hashem, each student’s tefilah is a personal journey.
Interactive Learning
Naaleh classes are designed to promote intellectual curiosity, strategic thinking and creative problem solving. Dynamic and caring teachers are role models in and out of the classroom.
Staying Healthy & Fit
Our students enjoy their day outside of the formal classroom with physical education classes in:
- Aerobics
- Zumba
- Yoga and mindfulness programs
Relaxing in the Lounge
The Naaleh Student Lounge is a place for the students to hang out and relax between classes, at lunch or during a free. It is a beautiful and fun space just for students! It is also home to the Student Store, an in-school canteen run by our students. The lounge is a great place to meet with a madricha, catch up with a friend, have a snack or get started on some homework.
Friends for Life
Relationships are a central part of the high school experience. With an emphasis on middos and character, girls are excited to come to Naaleh to deepen previous friendships and create new ones!
Student Activities
Student Activities at Naaleh are just that –
activities for the students, run by students.
Girls innovate and lead projects, campaigns,
clubs and workshops, working closely with
faculty advisers and madrichot, honing their
creativity and leadership abilities.
Chesed Opportunities
Chesed is a central value at Naaleh. We seek to provide our students with engaging service learning opportunities to connect and give back to the community. Our REACH program works with various organizations – both local and abroad – to involve Naaleh students in meaningful volunteer opportunities, broadening their exposure and commitment to chesed.