Tuition & Fees 2024-25
Per Student
Registration ………………………………………………..$ 1,500 (early)
Base Tuition……………………………………………….$23,800
Security ……………………………………………………………$650
Building Fund ………………………………………………..$850
Student Activity Fee (9th Grade)…………….$750*
Student Activity Fee (10th Grade)…………..$775*
Student Activity Fee (11th Grade)…………..$800*
Student Activity Fee (12th Grade)…………..$950* (includes graduation fees)
Per Family
Journal/Dinner Obligation……………………….$600
*Fees for activities such as school and grade shabbatons, senior trip, class trips, PSAT and PreACT tests, AP Exams, chesed missions, clubs, athletic fees, etc. are not included the above and will be billed at the time of the activity to relevant participants.
All fees and incidentals will be added to the Facts portal. Therefore, all Naaleh families are required to have a Facts account with a valid payment method. All incoming ninth-grade parents will receive an invitation to create their own Facts account. Please see attached for a set up letter. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Vosk, or by calling the Facts customer service line at (866)441-4637.